You may run into some OpenGL issues while trying to run your Kivy app in your VirtualBox Windows VM. Your Command Line (CMD) may display […]
Run buildozer APK builder from Docker container
There are a few options on how you can run buildozer for turning your Kivy app into an APK bundle for Android devices. You can […]
Increase vmdk disk in VirtualBox
The steps below are specific to increase a VMDK disk in VirtualBox 6.1.40 for a CentOS 7 guest VM and on a MacOS host. The […]
Installing VICE (Commodore Emulator) on MacOS
Before doing anything else, make sure that you have Xcode installed. Install the xa (xa65) open-source 6502 cross compiler. Download the source code. Then extract […]
OpenShift system:admin requires credentials
As outlined in this issue, you may run into a problem where you want to log into the OpenShift cluster as system:admin from one of […]
Run an OpenShift pod on a specific node by hostname
In your pod or buildconfig yaml you can specify which nodes the pod should run on, generally by specifying one or more of the labels […]
Docker image pull timeout in OpenShift during build or deploy
The default time that OpenShift waits to pull an image during a build or deploy may not be long enough, especially if your images are […]
Merge vmdk files in VMWare Player
In order to merge split vmdk files into one, you need to use the vmware-vdiskmanager command. However, this is only available if you have VMware […]
Convert a Physical Machine to a Virtual Machine
VMware has a free tool called VMware vCenter Converter. It allows you to convert a physical machine into a virtual machine; for instance you could […]