You may run into some OpenGL issues while trying to run your Kivy app in your VirtualBox Windows VM. Your Command Line (CMD) may display […]
How to tail a log file in Windows
Tailing a log file in Linux is very easy with the tail command, for instance: However, Windows does not have a tail command. Luckily it […]
Encrypting DNS
A way to make it a lot harder for your ISP to track and collect content from your browsing activities is by encrypting your DNS […]
In Progress Dialog
The following C# code shows how to make a Progress Bar in a dialog window that can be shown for tasks that run for an […]
Handling Big Red X DataGridView
The reason why sometimes a grid control shows a big red X and stops working properly is because an unhandled exception has occurred during the […]
Getting Owner of a File in Windows
Through Windows’ WMI Service you can find out who the owner is of a file. This is somewhat similar to the user/group owner of a […]
Search for Content Inside all File Types in Windows 7
The default Windows 7 search feature is a major pain. Especially if you’re trying to find a specific value inside a file and the file […]