There are plenty of resources available on the Internet on how to remove the green screen from images in GIMP. This is fine for the […]
Run kivy on VirtualBox Windows Guest
You may run into some OpenGL issues while trying to run your Kivy app in your VirtualBox Windows VM. Your Command Line (CMD) may display […]
Run buildozer APK builder from Docker container
There are a few options on how you can run buildozer for turning your Kivy app into an APK bundle for Android devices. You can […]
Run simple HTTP server on localhost
Sometimes you need to quickly run a simple HTTP server on your localhost to test or try something. If you already have Python installed, then […]
Machine Learning for ECG Classification
There are many publicly available Machine Learning projects for classifying ECG data. The MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database is a popular choice to train such models. Since […]
Running Google Datalab Locally
Google’s Datalab is a convenient tool to experiment with data and to build out machine learning models. As long as you don’t need to access […]
Installing python 3.6 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7
CentOS and RHEL 7 have Python 2.7 available in the standard packages. You can install Python 3.6 from source while keeping the current 2.7 install […]