While you could use the URLTrigger Plugin in Jenkins to poll for artifact updates in Artifactory, another way of triggering your build would be through […]
Replicate docker images from Artifactory to Google Container Registry
It may be a bit of an unusual thing to integrate 2 different docker image repositories from different vendors. Usually companies pick 1 particular product […]
MongoDB ClassCastException with new GridFS API
Starting with the MongoDB Java API 3.1 a new GridFS API has been added. It is available under the com.mongodb.client.gridfs package. If you are building […]
Executing private methods in Java
Normally, private methods in a class are not visible to other classes and cannot be executed. However, through reflection, which enables dynamic retrieval of classes […]
Comparison of equals, equalsIgnoreCase and compareTo String methods
Quite a few developers seem to use the compareTo() method to compare Strings, which is a bit odd because the purpose of this method is […]
Resolving NoClassDefFoundError Errors in WebSphere ear Files
In some odd cases, the ear file that you have deployed to WebSphere may at some point throw a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError runtime error even though you […]
Use Global properties Files in WebSphere
There are certain cases where you need to use a properties file (ResourceBundle) that can be used in one or more WebSphere Enterprise Applications. One […]
Use Local .rpt Files in Crystal Reports Java API
Assume your Java application is using Crystal Reports from the Repository Server and for whatever reason, for instance testing or debugging, you want to use […]
Bulk Update of DB Password in Crystal Reports
If you need to update the database password for large amount of Crystal Reports, the Crystal Management Console may be too time consuming to change […]
Using Servlet filters in Java web applications
As of the Java Servlet specification version 2.3, a component type, called a filter, can be used in your Java web applications. A filter dynamically […]