A while ago, the VMs that hosted my OpenShift platform were rebooted. For most of it, all nodes and containers came back gracefully. However, there […]
Scripting, UNIX/Linux, Virtualization
OpenShift system:admin requires credentials
As outlined in this issue, you may run into a problem where you want to log into the OpenShift cluster as system:admin from one of […]
UNIX/Linux, Virtualization
Run an OpenShift pod on a specific node by hostname
In your pod or buildconfig yaml you can specify which nodes the pod should run on, generally by specifying one or more of the labels […]
UNIX/Linux, Virtualization
Docker image pull timeout in OpenShift during build or deploy
The default time that OpenShift waits to pull an image during a build or deploy may not be long enough, especially if your images are […]