Your DD-WRT enabled router can be configured to block ads as described in the Ad Blocking article. For non-Micro DD-WRT versions the ad blocking hosts […]
Getting Owner of a File in Windows
Through Windows’ WMI Service you can find out who the owner is of a file. This is somewhat similar to the user/group owner of a […]
Automate Tomcat startup/shutdown on Linux
If you need to automatically start/stop Tomcat each time you start/stop/reboot your Linux server, you can do so by creating a start/stop script under the […]
dos2unix alternative
If you need to convert a DOS text file to a UNIX text file, and the dos2unix command is not available on your platform, you […]
Exclude files and directories from tar
The example below shows how you can exclude file “somefile.txt” and directory “subfolder6” from the tar command:
Single command line to tar and gzip
Although there are several ways to achieve this, the way I most often tar and gzip files using a single command line is as follows: […]
Basics of UNIX shell scripts
With UNIX scripts you can do many powerful things. You won’t be able to take over the world with it, but it’s pretty close. Scripts […]